#WeHaveDreams is a place where we can all share our vision for a better community, a better country.. a better world! It’s a place where we can tell the whole world about all the changes we want to see happen in the world!
From Martin Luther King’s speech to Apple’s think different ad, we all have been inspired by something, and we all wanted to shout it to the world out there! And we all want to change something in our daily lives. If we bring our dreams together, we can make a better world!
If you feel like changing the world, join the dreamers! Start acting positively in your community, and raise awareness among your friends and family that everyone of us could be the change this world is waiting for!
Start spreading the word, and let’s work all to make this world, a better one!
This website started as a school project, but now I hope it will go all over the world, to inspire others to be the change in their community, their country, their world!
Visit : http://we-have-dreams.appspot.com
Technical Information
#WeHaveDreams is a real-time web app, it was built using Firebase.