#MyArabWorld is a social campaign to engage and inspire 1 million people globally to make individual public commitments, and take actions, towards social development in the MENA Region.
#MyArabWorld is a small social network, where people can post their commitments and actions to create social change in the region. The process of posting a commitment/action had to be the easiest possible for the users while trying to delight them, so the majority of the work was focused on the posting part.
The website was built using CodeIgniter.
Visit the live version at : http://www.myarabworld.com.
Home Page :
Here is the preview from the PSD, some changes have been made on the website.
Explore page :
Details page :
User profile / Posting a commitment :
This is the part I enjoyed working on the most on the website.

The “posting” page is simple : no header, no footer, no extra options.

Since every commitment/action has Hashtags as a “title”, the field automatically transforms any text to a hashtag, making it easier for people not used to them :

The “posting an action” page has 2 additional options : the possibility to add a small description + attach a commitment to the action. This animation shows the characters counting on the description field :